Key Takeaways: Cost of Politics
On average, the candidates surveyed spent $76,000. 65% of candidates surveyed spent between $40,000 and $90,000, whilst 17.7% spent more than $100,000, the amount regarded as necessary for a competitive campaign.
63% of respondents described their main source of political funding as coming from own resources
MPs spend between 25-60% of their monthly income to meet the demands of their constituents
Candidates surveyed said they gave cash of between $2-5 per voter during their political meetings, totaling as much as $10,000 and $15,000 of their overall spend.
With national inflation reaching 33% and the Congolese franc depreciating against the US dollar by almost 20%, some candidates implemented cost-cutting strategies such as transporting cheaper campaign materials from neighboring countries such as the Republic of Congo, or sometimes even from Europe.
Women candidates interviewed admitted to being more vulnerable to harassment from wealthy colleagues who can even seek to take advantage of their lack of resources for sexual favours.
While almost all political parties paid deposits of 1,600,000 Congolese francs (around $573) for the registration of each candidate, their participation in campaign financing was marginal and unevenly distributed. Interviewees claimed to have received between $0 and $10,000 from their political party.